Articles of Association and related rules

If you have any questions or comments to our association, please contact us.


Articles of Incorporation

Chapter 1 General Rules

Article 1 (Name)

This corporation is called the “Oriental Calligraphy Association” (hereinafter referred to as the “Association”).

Article 2 (Location)

① The main office of the Plenary Session is located in Seoul.

② The branch office (branch) of the Plenary Session is 1. Gwangju Branch 2. Cheongju Branch 3. The Chungju branch is established with branches and branches in other necessary locations (each city and province).

Article 3 (Purpose)

In order to establish the creative independence of the Korean West Group, the purpose of this conference is to promote friendship with countries in the Chinese character culture (Korea, China, and Japan), which is the foundation of Oriental character art, sublimate it into art from around the world through the development of typefaces, including Hangul, and contribute to cultivating art education and calligraphy by pioneering a new calligrapher in the 21st century.

Article 4 (Business)

In order to achieve the purpose of the foregoing, the following projects are carried out.

  1. Discovering emerging artists through the holding of a joint exhibition between Korea, China, and Japan and a national contest
  2. National and international exchange exhibitions and academic presentations to introduce calligraphy culture
  3. Fostering Korean typeface development
  4. Research and publication of foreign literature on calligraphy
  5. Other projects necessary to achieve the purpose of the plenary session

Chapter 2 Membership

Article 5 (Eligibility of Members)

Members of the Plenary Meeting shall be those who approve the purpose of the establishment of the Plenary Session and obtain approval from the Board of Directors by submitting a prescribed application for admission.

Article 6 (Members' Rights))

Members have the right to participate in the operation of the Plenary Session through the General Assembly. However, associate members, special members, and honorary members can attend the general meeting and speak, but they do not have voting rights.

Article 7 (Member Obligations)

Members have the following duties.

  1. Compliance with the Articles of Incorporation and Regulations of the Plenary Session
  2. Implementation of General Assembly and Board of Directors resolutions
  3. Payment of membership fees and deductibles

Article 8 (Membership Withdrawal)

Members can freely withdraw by submitting a letter of withdrawal to the chairman.

Article 9 (Member Reward)

① As a member of the Plenary Session, those who have contributed to the development of the Plenary Session may be rewarded through a decision of the Board of Directors.

② As a member of the General Assembly, the Chairman of the Board of Directors may dismiss or reprimand a person who acts contrary to the purpose of the Plenary Session, or who fails to fulfill the duties of Article 7, after a decision of the Board of Directors or the General Assembly.

Chapter 3 Officers

Article 10 (Types and Numbers of Officers)

The General Assembly appoints the following officers.

  1. CEO 1 person
  2. 15 members of the company (including the chairman)
  3. 2 audits

※ The number of directors shall be 5 or more.

Article 11 (Appointment of Officers)

① Officers shall be elected at a general meeting and shall report their inauguration to the competent government office without delay.

② Officers must be elected within 2 months from the date the vacancy occurred.

③ New officers must be elected no later than 2 months before their term expires.

Article 12 (Dismissal of Officers)

If an officer commits an act that falls under any of the following subparagraphs, he or she may be dismissed after a general meeting vote.

  1. Acts that violate the purpose of the plenary session
  2. Disputes between executives, accounting fraud, or significant misconduct
  3. Acts that interfere with the work of the Plenary Session

Article 13 (Restrictions on Appointment of Officers)

① In the appointment of officers, directors cannot exceed 1/5 of the number of directors who are related to each other as stipulated in Article 777 of the Civil Code.

② Auditors must not have a kinship relationship between auditors or directors as stipulated in Section 777 of the Civil Code.

Article 14 (Executive Director)

① In order to focus on the purpose of the plenary session, a permanent director may be appointed.

② The executive director is appointed from among the directors after a vote of the board of directors.

Article 15 (Term of Officers)

① The term of an officer shall be 4 years.

② The term of an officer appointed by election shall be the remaining term of the predecessor.

Article 16 (Duties of Officers)

① The Chairman represents the General Assembly, oversees the work of the General Assembly, and becomes the chairman of the General Assembly and Board of Directors.

② Directors attend the board of directors to vote on matters relating to the work of the general meeting and handle matters delegated by the board of directors or the chairman.

③ An auditor performs the following duties.

  1. Auditing the financial situation of the plenary session
  2. Auditing matters relating to the operation and work of the General Assembly and Board of Directors
  3. When it is discovered that there is an error or injustice in the audit results of No. 1 and No. 2, it is necessary to request correction from the Board of Directors or General Meeting and report it to the State Administration
  4. Requesting the convening of a general meeting or board of directors when necessary to request corrections and reports under (3)
  5. Expressing opinions to the General Assembly, Board of Directors, or Chairman of the Board of Directors regarding the financial situation and work of the Plenary Session

Article 17 (Acting for the Chairman)

① When the chairman has an accident, a director appointed by the chairman shall act on behalf of the chairman.

② When the chairman is removed from office, the duties of the chairman are performed on behalf of the director in order of the elder.

③ In accordance with the provisions of Clause 2, directors acting on behalf of the chairman must go through the procedure for electing the chairman without delay.

Chapter 4 General Meeting

Article 18 (Composition of the General Assembly)

The General Assembly is the highest voting body of the Plenary Session and consists of members.

Article 19 (Classification and Convocation)

① General meetings are divided into regular general meetings and temporary general meetings, and the chairman of the board convenes them.

② Regular general meetings are convened until 1 month before the beginning of each fiscal year, and temporary general meetings are convened when the chairman deems it necessary.

③ When a general meeting is convened, the chairman must specify the agenda, date, and place of the meeting and notify each member in writing at least 7 days before the start of the meeting.

Article 20 (Special Provisions for Convocation of General Meeting)

① If there is a request for a convocation that falls under any of the following subparagraphs, the chairman shall convene a general meeting within 14 days from the date of the request for the convocation.

  1. When the majority of members of the staff proposed the purpose of the meeting and requested that it be convened
  2. When an audit requests to be convened in accordance with the provisions of Article 16 (3) (4)
  3. When one-fifth or more of the current members present the purpose of the meeting and request that it be convened

② If it is impossible to convene a general meeting for 7 days or more due to the evasion of the person who convened the general meeting, the general meeting can be convened with the approval of a majority of current members or one-third or more of the current members.

③ The general meeting in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 2 shall elect the chairman under the society of the oldest attending directors.

Article 21 (Decision Quorum)

① The General Assembly shall decide with the attendance of a majority of the current members and vote with the approval of a majority of the members present.

② A member's voting rights may be delegated in writing to another member attending the general meeting. In this case, the power of attorney must be submitted to the chairman before the start of the general meeting.

Article 22 (Functions of General Assembly)

The General Assembly shall vote on the following matters.

  1. Matters relating to the election and dismissal of officers
  2. Matters relating to the election and dismissal of officers
  3. Matters relating to the disposal and acquisition of basic assets and the borrowing of funds
  4. Approval of budgets and settlements
  5. Approval of the business plan
  6. Other important points

Article 23 (Reasons for Rejecting a General Assembly Decision)

Members shall not participate in the voting if they fall under any of the following subparagraphs:

  1. When voting on matters relating to oneself in the election and dismissal of officers
  2. When there is a conflict between the interests of oneself and the Plenary Session due to matters relating to the collection of money or property or lawsuits

Chapter 5 Board of Directors

Article 24 (Composition of the Board of Directors)

The Board of Directors consists of the Chairman and Director.

Article 25 (Classification and Convocation)

① The Board of Directors is divided into a regular board of directors and a temporary board of directors, which are convened by the chairman.

② A regular board meeting is convened until January before the start of each fiscal year, and an interim board meeting is convened when the chairman deems it necessary.

③ The chairman of the board of directors must specify the agenda, date, and place of the meeting and notify each director and auditor in writing at least 7 days before the start of the meeting.

Article 26 (Special Provisions for Convocation of Board of Directors)

① The Chairman of the Board of Directors shall convene a meeting of the Board of Directors within 20 days from the date of the request for convocation when there is a request for convocation falling under 1 of the following subparagraphs:

  1. When the majority of members of the staff proposed the purpose of the meeting and requested that it be convened
  2. When an auditor requests to be convened in accordance with the provisions of Article 16 (3) (4)

② If it is impossible to convene a board of directors meeting for 7 days or more because the person who convened the board of directors abstains or avoids it, the board of directors can be convened with the approval of a majority of the members of the board of directors.

③ The Board of Directors in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 2 shall elect its president under the society of the oldest attending director.

Article 27 (Prohibition of Written Resolutions)

Board decisions cannot be based on written resolutions.

Article 28 (Decision Quorum)

① The Board of Directors decides with the attendance of a majority of the current members and votes with the approval of a majority of the directors present. However, in the case of a married couple, the chairman decides.

② The voting rights of the Board of Directors cannot be delegated.

Article 29 (Resolutions of the Board of Directors)

The Board of Directors shall deliberate and vote on the following matters.

  1. Matters relating to business execution
  2. Matters relating to the operation of the business plan
  3. Matters relating to the preparation of budgets and financial statements
  4. Matters relating to changes in the articles of association
  5. Matters relating to property management
  6. Preparation of an agenda to be submitted to the General Assembly
  7. Matters delegated by the General Assembly
  8. Matters falling within its competence according to the provisions of the Articles of Incorporation
  9. Other matters deemed important by the Chairman for the operation of the Plenary Session

Chapter 6 Property and Accounting

Article 30 (Classification of Property)

The property of the Plenary Session is divided into basic property and ordinary property as follows.

  1. Basic property is the property where the founder appeared when the Association was established and the property determined as basic property by the Board of Directors, and the list is as shown in “Appendix 1.”
  2. Ordinary property shall be property other than basic property.

Article 31 (Disposal of Basic Property, etc.)

If you wish to dispose of the basic property of the Plenary Session (including sale, gift, and exchange), you must go through the procedure for permission to change the Articles of Association in accordance with the provisions of Article 40.

Article 32 (Revenue)

Proceeds from the plenary session shall be covered by members' membership fees and other income.

Article 33 (Fiscal Year)

The fiscal year of the plenary session follows the fiscal year of the government.

Article 34 (Budgeting)

The revenue and expenditure budget for the plenary session is prepared until 1 month before the start of each fiscal year, and determined by obtaining approval from the General Meeting after a vote of the Board of Directors.

Article 35 (Settlement)

The General Assembly shall prepare financial statements within 2 months after the end of each fiscal year and obtain approval from the General Meeting after a vote of the Board of Directors.

Article 36 (Audit)

Audits must be carried out at least 2 times a year.

Article 37 (Remuneration of Officers)

Remuneration shall not be paid to officers other than the executive director who is dedicated to the operation of the business. However, actual expenses required to perform the work can be paid.

Chapter 7 Office

Article 38 (Secretariat)

① A secretariat is established to handle the affairs of the Plenary Session under the direction of the Chairman.

② The secretariat may have one director and the required staff.

③ The Director General shall be appointed by the Chairman after a vote of the Board of Directors.

④ Matters relating to the organization and operation of the Secretariat shall be decided separately after a resolution of the Board of Directors.

Chapter 8 Remedies

Article 39 (Dissolution of a corporation)

① If the General Assembly wishes to be dissolved, the General Assembly shall vote with the approval of at least two-thirds of the current members to dissolve it, and report the dissolution to the competent government office.

② The remaining assets at the time of dissolution of the General Assembly shall be owned by the country, local government, or other non-profit corporation with a purpose similar to that of the General Assembly.

Article 40 (Amendment of Articles of Incorporation)

If you want to change these Articles of Association, the General Assembly must vote in favor of at least two-thirds of the current members and obtain permission from the State Administration.

Article 41 (Rulemaking)

Matters necessary for the operation of the Plenary Session other than those stipulated in these Articles of Association shall be determined by rules after a vote of the Board of Directors.


Article 1 (Effective Date)

These Articles of Association shall take effect from the day they are registered with the court with the permission of the State Administration.

Article 2 (Transitional Measures)

Acts carried out by promoters and others to establish a corporation at the time of implementation of these Articles of Association shall be deemed to have been carried out in accordance with these Articles of Association.

Article 3 (Founder's name and seal)

In order to establish the Association, these Articles of Association are prepared and signed by all founders as follows.

Change of officer registration

: 2016.11.4. Permission to change the Articles of Incorporation (Chairman's term to Chairman's term) Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism

: 2016. 11.24 registration (Supreme Court)

Operation and review rules

Operating & Operating Rules

Article 1 (Purpose)

The purpose of this regulation is to stipulate matters relating to the appointment of management members and judges of the Oriental Calligraphy Association (hereinafter referred to as the “Association”) in accordance with Article 41 of the Articles of Incorporation.

Article 2 (Composition and Duties)

1. The Steering Committee shall be composed of the Steering Committee and the Steering Committee and shall contribute to the smooth operation of the Korea Oriental Calligraphy Competition.

2. The jury consists of a jury chairman and a jury, and the prize-winning works are selected through fair screening at the Korea Oriental Calligraphy Competition.

Article 3 (Eligibility)

The qualifications of the Steering Committee and Judges of the Plenary Session are as follows:

① Invited artists for the conference (including advisors and advisors)

② Invited artists from other calligraphy groups

③ Greetings recommended by advisors or advisors of the General Assembly

Article 4 (Appointment Method)

The chairman determines the number of people based on the number of examinations one month before the Korea Oriental Calligraphy Competition is held, and decides the appointment and awards the certificate of commission through a vote of the board of directors.

Article 5 (Examination Categories and Standards)

The competition standards for the Korea Oriental Calligraphy Competition are as follows, and the competition categories are as follows, and if necessary, additional categories can be added through a decision of the Board of Directors.

① Hangul (Hangul sperm mixed, Hangul half-spilling, half-spilling, Hangul jingling, version, etc.)

② Chinese (Gapgol, Golden Gate, Exegesis, Heh, Choseo)

③ Muninhwa (Maenan Guk Ju (Sagunja), etc.)

④ Full carvings (wood carvings, stone carvings, etc.)

⑤ Contemporary calligraphy (calligraphy, etc.)

⑥ 문인화, 동양화, 민화

Article 6 (Examination)

① Works are selected based on old law books, but the superiority of the work is determined by focusing on the composition, margins, harmony, and color of each font.

② Examine the perfection of division, settlement, arbitration, and harmony, and compare the various elements in the following table.

심사 평가 항목표

Article 7 (Term)

The term of the management committee members and judges shall be from the date of appointment until the end date of the Korea Oriental Calligraphy Competition in the current year.

부칙 <제1호, 2025. 08. 24>

제1조 (시행일) 이 규정은 공포한 날로부터 시행한다.

부칙 <제1호, 2025. 02. 08>

제1조 (시행일) 이 규정은 공포한 날로부터 시행한다.

Rules for selecting recommended and invited artists

Rules for appointment of recommended calligraphers

Article 1 (Purpose)

The purpose of this regulation is to stipulate matters relating to the selection of recommended artists and invited artists by the Oriental Calligraphy Association (hereinafter referred to as the “Association”) in accordance with Article 41 of the Articles of Incorporation.

Article 2 (Selection Method)

The points determined in the following sections are added up to 10 points, or if eligible, they will be selected as a recommended artist for the General Assembly after a vote of the Board of Directors; if they have 15 points or are eligible, they will be selected as invited artists to the General Assembly after a vote of the Board of Directors; from 2024, the invited artist certificate will be awarded in the traditional and contemporary categories separately.

① The winners of the Korea Oriental Calligraphy Competition will receive 1 point for the first prize, 3 points for the Grand Prize, 5 points for the Grand Prize, 7 points for the Grand Prize, 7 points for the Grand Prize, and 9 points for the Grand Prize. However, only high scores are accepted for entry points in the same year, and the traditional category and modern category scores obtained from 2024 will be added separately from 2024.

② The grand prize of the Metropolitan City and Province Exhibitions hosted by the Association's branch and the General Assembly Chairman's Award are recognized as 1 point, but if there is a score obtained at the Korea Oriental Calligraphy Competition or another branch exhibition in the same year, only one high score will be accepted.

③ In order to welcome young artists who have expertise in calligraphy and are willing to participate in the management of the association, the following measures will be implemented.

  1. A bachelor's degree or graduate from a calligraphy-related department will be given 2 additional points.
  2. Those who have obtained and completed a master's degree in calligraphy-related departments will be given an additional preferential treatment of 1 point.
  3. Those who have obtained and completed a doctorate degree in a calligraphy-related department will receive 2 additional points. (5 points for bachelor's, master's, and doctorate students in calligraphy-related departments)
  4. Items 1 to 3 will be applied starting with the winners of the 21st Korea Oriental Calligraphy Competition, and cumulative points will be recognized if the candidate has existing points.
  5. Those who received the highest award in the Young Artist Selection Contest (Young Man's Choice, Future Korean Calligraphy Exhibition) will receive 9 points, and other winners will be given points based on the criteria in paragraph 1.

④ If an invited artist from another calligraphy organization (a calligraphy organization registered with the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism) applies for an invited artist from our association, they can be appointed as the invited artist after a vote of the Board of Directors.

⑤ 입상자 배점의 합산이 각각 10점 혹은 15점을 넘어 추천작가 혹은 초대작가 선정 대상자가 되었다 할지라도 별도로 이사회 내부 심사를 통해 만장일치 승인을 받은 후에 추천작가증 및 초대작가증을 발행 및 교부할 수 있으며 본회의 추천작가 혹은 초대작가 자격을 인정할 수 있다.

Article 3 (Rights and Obligations)

① Invited artists have the right to be invited to the Plenary Session and are obligated to comply with the invited artist regulations, such as submitting to invited artist exhibitions, attending various events, and paying membership fees for invited artists.

② Recommended artists have the right to recommend artists at the plenary session and are obligated to comply with recommended artist regulations, such as submitting recommended artist exhibitions, attending various events, and paying recommended artist membership fees.

Article 4 (Regime)

In accordance with Article 7 (3) of the Articles of Incorporation, if a member fails to pay membership fees and contributions, their eligibility and authority shall be suspended, and their authority shall be restored when the membership fee is paid later.


제1조 (시행일) 이 규정은 공포한 날로부터 시행한다.

부칙 <제1호, 2025. 02.08>

제1조 (시행일) 이 규정은 공포한 날로부터 시행한다.

Membership eligibility and requirements

Requirements and Requirements for Membership

Annual membership fees, admission fees, and registration fees for each type of membership

  1. Annual membership fee 50,000 won + initial registration fee 20,000 won
  2. 일반작가 연회비 50,000원 + 최초 가입 시 입회비 20,000원
  3. Recommended artist annual fee 80,000 won + registration fee 20,000 won for initial promotion
  4. Annual membership fee of 100,000 won for invited artists + 20,000 won registration fee for initial promotion
  5. Executive annual fee 200,000 won + Executive Inauguration Development Fund 2,000,000 won

* Monthly installment payments are possible, excluding enrollment fees and registration fees.

* 청년작가는 원칙적으로 중・고등학교 및 대학교 재학 중인 분으로 한정하나 이사회 승인 하에 30대 이하 청년도 해당될수 있습니다.

* 일반회원은 40대 이상 재직 중이거나 전문 작가로서 활동하시고 있는 분으로 한정합니다.

Member Eligibility

  1. The members of the General Assembly are people who are currently engaged in calligraphy, literary painting, exhibition, and contemporary calligraphy, education, and research, and are interested in volunteer activities such as sharing their talents with local communities or individuals for research and development.
  2. A person who has agreed to the purpose of establishing the Oriental Calligraphy Association and has completed the prescribed registration procedure.
  3. The qualifications of recommended artists, invited artists, executives, etc.”Articles of Incorporation“and”Rules for selecting recommended and invited artists“It complies with.

Members' rights and obligations

  1. Members of the General Assembly have the right to vote and stand for election on projects promoted by the General Assembly, and they have the right to attend meetings, suggest opinions on the activities of the Plenary Session, and participate in voting.
  2. Members can receive conference materials and publications free of charge. However, exhibition catalogues, etc. must be purchased for a fee.
  3. Members of the Plenary Session must pay the prescribed admission and registration fees and annual membership fees, and are obligated to comply with all matters resolved by the General Assembly.
  4. 본회의 회원과 임원은 본회가 주최하는 전시회 출품과 각종 행사 참석, 그리고 정관 및 관련 규칙 등 제반규정을 준수할 의무를 가집니다.Members of the Plenary Session participate in exhibitions hosted by the General Assembly, attend various events, and et and I have an obligation to comply with my regulations, etc.
  5. In accordance with Article 7 (3) of the Articles of Incorporation, if a member does not pay the membership fee and contributions, the member's eligibility and authority will be suspended, and those rights will be restored when the membership fee is paid later.
  6. 등록비와 연회비 납부는 온라인 모금함을 통하여 진행하며, 마이페이지를 통하여 회원 혹은 임원 본인의 납부내역을 확인합니다. and The menu at the top right of the conference website”Proceed through “,”Check the member's own payment details through”.
  7. All regular members who have paid annual fees and artists who have paid development funds, donations, and donations above the amount specified by the Association are provided with a cyber space where they can continue to manage and display their work, and post them on the Oriental Calligraphy Association website.